
1973 – 1977 SUPŠ in Brno, line of graphics with Prof. Dalibor Chatrny

1977 – 1984 VŠUP in Prague, field of illustration, applied graphics with Prof. Jiri Mikula

Disertation: Illustration and graphic edition of bibliophile edition of poem “Raven” by Edgar A. Poe.

1985 – illustrations to poetry of Oldrich Mikulasek “Druhé obrázky” (Second pictures), stamp designs

1985-87 – “Pomologický atlas ovoce” (Pomological atlas of fruits) – collective of authors, several illustrators / sorts of currant, raspberries, gooseberries /

1988 – “Kvetoucí rostliny” (Blooming plants), later- “Pěstitelství” (Plant growing/cultivation) for publishing house ARTIA, international edition

1989 – “Máme doma zvířata” (We have animals at home): Martina Drijverova, Albatros. Published in 1993

1990 – free graphics

1991 – concertina books:

“Náš pes, naše kočka” (Our dog, our cat) for publishing house Axioma

“Náš dvůr” (Our yard)

“Cizokrajná zvířata” (Exotic animals)

“Náš les a louka” (Our forest and meadow)

1992 – concertina books:

“Mláďata” (Baby animals) 10 x 10 cm, for Fragment publishing house

“Panovníci českých zemí” (Rulers of the Czech Lands) – portraits

“Abeceda zvířátek” (Alphabet of animals): Jiri Zacek – 16 illustrations to verses


“Skladatelé světové hudby” (Composers of World Music) – portraits

“Slavní vojevůdci” (Famous Military Leaders) – portraits

concertina books

“U vody” (By water) 10 x 10 cm


illustrations for four eight-paged concertina books for publishing house PESTALOZZI

concertina book “Moje zvířátko” (My animal) 10 x 10 cm

“V lese” (In forest) 10 x 10 cm


concertina book

“Na dvoře” (On the yard) 10 x 10 cm, Fragment


“Světoví dramatici” (World’s playwrights)

concertina books

“Zvířátka v ZOO” (Animals in ZOO) – Fragment – 15 x 15 cm – verses: Jiri Zacek

“Jak mluví zvířátka” (How does animals talk) – 15 x 15 cm – verses: Jiri Zacek

“Jak si hrají zvířátka” (How animals plays) – verses: Jiri Zacek


concertina books

“Zvířátka na dvoře” (Animals on yard) – 15 x 15 cm – verses: Jiri Zacek

“Říkej, co je to” (Tell me what it is)

“Koukej, co je to” (Look at what it is)


“Moje první knížka o číslech” (My first book about numbers) – publishing house Brio

concertina books

“Ukaž, co je to” (Show me what it is)

“Hádej, co je to” (Guess what it is) – published in 2003

concertina book “Máme rádi zvířata” (We like animals) – 10 x 10 cm


“Panovníci Ruska” (Rulers of Russia) – portraits


concertina books

“Mláďata” (Baby animals) – 16 x 21 – Fragment

“Na dvoře” (On the yard) – 16 x 21 – Fragment